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ED: Education

TE: Teacher Education

CEP: Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Special Education

with Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt

Capstone Seminar

ED 870

Summer 2019

The capstone is a comprehensive course designed to sum up knowledge and insights gained throughout the MAED program. Through analysis and reflection, we worked each week through content-specific modules to create different pieces that together became our online portfolio. This portfolio showcases the work we have done throughout our master’s program, and includes other pages, such as our resume and goal reflections. This multimedia class helped prepare us to take the next steps in our professional career by reflecting on what we have learned throughout our program, how we will use this new information gained, and where we would like to go next.

Educating Students with 

Challenging Behavior

CEP 832

Spring 2019

with Dr. Vicky Mousouli & Dr. Evelyn Oka

This course discussed a multitude of various behavioral techniques, as well as allowed us the opportunity to put them into practice. Throughout this semester, we completed a case study to focus on targeting a problem behavior in our classroom. We found that a huge indicator of behavioral success is in the teacher’s hands as far as properly identifying and addressing the issue, as well as appropriately responding.

Accommodating Differences in

Literacy Learners

TE 846 

Spring 2019

with Laura Tortorelli, Ph.D.

Throughout this course, I learned multiple different methods of study that will allow me to work with and accommodate needs for various levels of literacy learners in my classroom.  Throughout the semester, I completed an individual child study to help my student make strides in a focused literacy topic that met his specific needs. 

with Dr. Evelyn Oka and Danielle Wexler

Developing Positive Attitudes Toward Learning

CEP 802

Fall 2018

This course focuses on factors involved in motivating and engaging students in the classroom, divided into three main discussion points: behavior, intrinsic motivation, and cognitive development. We learn to be aware of the positive outcomes, as well as possible downfalls of various behavior approaches. We see how elements such as interest and determination can play a role in one’s intrinsic motivation. We also learn that perception and goals of both student and teacher can greatly impact success.

Elementary Reading

Assessment & Instruction 

TE 842 

Fall 2018

with Laura Tortorelli, Ph.D.

Throughout this course, I interacted with classmates to discover and study different reading assessment and instructional tools to use in the classroom. Together, we worked through student case studies to develop a plan for readers of various ages. As a final activity, I participated in a book club to explore Project Based Learning (PBL) in the classroom. 

Writing Assessment & Instruction

TE 848

Summer 2018

with Janine Certo

This course was unique in that not only did we discuss writing techniques for our students, but we were able and encouraged to take time to be writers and authors of our own pieces as well. We spent the semester exploring, creating, revising, and publishing a variety of different genres. For our students, we discussed how to assess and effectively teach writing, but also how to captivate and excite students to do so. 

Educational Inquiry

ED 800

Summer 2018

with Steven Weiland 

This course dove into complex topics and questions in education. This course pushed us to think about issues including: the purpose and foundations of education, how our history and background effects our future, leadership, and technology. Through various forms of media, we studied and researched these topics in order to come to a conclusion ourselves.

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II 

TE 804

Spring 2014

with Marti Miller

Throughout this course, we explored various science topics through hands-on manipulatives, experiments, and explorations. We learned to discuss subject matter with our students through “science talks”, in order to gather an idea of previous conceptions and where instruction should lead next. Our main project throughout the semester was to creating and teaching a full science unit for our internship class. I put together an interactive unit on The Sun, Moon, and Earth.

Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II 

TE 803

Spring 2014

with Dr. Denice Blair

This course was specifically designed to focus on teaching and implementing social studies concepts in the classroom. Taken during our internship year, our main project was to create, plan, and teach a full social studies unit in our placement classrooms. It was within this course that I discovered my love for teaching social studies! I learned that with the right approach, I was having fun teaching this subject I previously did not think I would enjoy, and my kids were having fun too! 

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I 

TE 802

Fall 2013

with Cassie Brownell, M. Ed.

The focus of this course was literacy in the classroom. We had discussions about literacy being made up not only of reading, but also of writing, speaking, and listening as well. Literacy is composed of all the pieces that allow us to communicate effectively with others. As teachers, we are to find a balance of these aspects in order to deliver a well-rounded literary instruction. Combining instruction with appropriate curriculum development and a wide knowledge of assessment, we are able to best provide students with effective literacy development.

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